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Wonju Seo

POSTECH, CiTE, Ph.D Student

Wonju Seo completed his B.S. in Electronic Engineering at Chung-Ang University. He is an Ph.D candidate in Creative IT Engineering at POSTECH.

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Research Area

Data science and digital health care solution

Glucose management algorithm

Affective Computing

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Presentation & Publication

[10] Kim. N, Seo. W, Kim. S, Park. S.M "Electrogastrogram: Demonstrating Feasibility in Mental Stress Assessment using Sensor Fusion" IEEE Sensors (2020)

[9] Seo. W, Kim. N, Lee. S.K, Park. S.M "Machine Learning-Based Analysis of Adolescent Gambling Factors" Journal of Behavioral Addiction (2020)

[8] Seo W, Lee Y-B, Lee S, Jin S-M, Park S-M: A machine-learning approach to predict postprandial hypoglycemia. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making 2019, 19(1):210.

[7 ]Seo, W,, Kim. N., Kim. S., Lee. C., Park. S.M., "Deep ECG–Respiration Network (DeepER Net) for Mental Stress Detection". Sensors 2019, 19 (13), 3021.

[6] Seo. W, Lee. S. Kim. N. Kim. J. Park. S.M., "Personalized Glucose Prediction Algorithm (PGPA) With A Support Vector Regression", The Korean Society of Medical & Biological Engineering. May, 2019

[5] Lee. J.H., Shon. Y.M., Seo. W.J., Park. S.M., "tDCS Electrode Positioning Strategy with Simulation". 2019 Frontier In Medical Device. Mar. 2019.

[4] Seo. W, R.M, Lee. S.H., Park. S.M., "Facial Expression Recognition With Deep Learning Approach For Detecting Stress". 2019 Nvidia GPU Technology Conference (GTC)

[3] Seo. W, Lee. J.H., Lee. S.H., Jin. S.M., Park. S.M., "An ensemble approach for accurately predicting hypoglycemia". 2019 Frontier In Medical Device, Mar. 2019.

[2] Seo. W, Lee. S.H., Jin. S.M., Park. S.M., "Deep neural networks for predicting blood glucose level of virtual patients with type 1 diabetes", SMIT2018-IBEC2018 Joint conference. Nov. 2018.

[1] Seo, W, Lee, S.H., Kang, W.O., Park, S.Y., Jin, S.M., Park, S.M., "Prediction of glucose level based on time series analysis for both type1 and type2 diabetes", IEEE EMBS. July. 2017 


박성민, 김남호, 서원주. 김세현  “호흡-심박 비율을 이용한 스트레스 수준 분석 방법 및 시스템” (출원 완료, 10-2018-0144492. 2018-11-21) (under review)

박성민, 서원주, 이승현, “저혈당 예측 장치, 방법 및 프로그램과 저혈당 예측 모델 생성 장치, 방법 및 프로그램” (출원 완료, PCT/KR2018/009512, 2018-08-20) (under review)

박성민, 서원주, 이승현, “저혈당 예측 장치, 방법 및 프로그램과 저혈당 예측 모델 생성 장치, 방법 및 프로그램” (등록번호: 10-2003667-0000) doi :

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